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Will my photo print ok?

When a photo is marked low resolution, there is a risk that your photo won't print perfectly. We've included our tips for how to upload a high-resolution photo for you below.

In addition, our design team looks at each order as it comes through and we will reach out if we feel like the quality of your image isn't high enough to confidently send to print.

  1. The key to the best possible quality is finding the original photo (often kept on your computer, the photographer’s online portal or within your smartphone library.
  2. Did you pull the image from a social account? Choosing an image from Instagram or Facebook will cause low-resolution warnings (since these platforms often shrink the size of your photo when you upload).
  3. Is the photo taken from a text message? Often smartphones shrink image sizes over text, resulting in a tiny version of the original photo.
  4. Did you upload a screenshot? This can compromise print quality significantly. We suggest uploading directly from your photo library.
  5. We’re happy to help - send us an email at and we can assist if you’re concerned about your image quality.